I am intrigued by the power, intensity, synchronicity, and creativity in nature. This is part of a series and study of Clouds called Zeppelins!

Zeppelins: Developed and refined by Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin, the Zeppelin was used and developed as a means of aerial warfare.

The concept of "lighter than air" was employed to keep them aloft. I wonder if Von Zeppelin got his idea from nature and observing clouds. Consider the glorious cumulus cloud. Scientists have said the average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds! Imagine that; we have clouds the weight of 100 or more elephants “floating” above us. We are told the water, and the weight, in these marvels of nature, is spread out over millions of droplets that occupy the “space” of thecloud and the water vapour molecule is lighter than 1 oxygen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms (H2O)—they are in effect “lighter than air”. They are also buoyed up by rising air. Look up on a cloudy day and try to grasp that 1.1 million pounds of water are “floating” above you. Oh yeah, do you have an umbrella?


I am truly blessed to be able to live in and work in this stunning location: Banff, Alberta. I closed in and renovated the deck of my condo to be an editing studio. The studio is paneled in Alberta cedar. The main part of the ‘studio,’ though, is the Banff National Park and the Canadian Rockies!

My work involves hiking through the Park to find locations where the natural wonders of the Rockies are illuminated by the natural light of the moment. As one client testimonial put it, I want to offer you “an instant escape to someplace magical.” Another client commented, “Ron's photographs are not just beautiful images of the Canadian Rockies. They are Ron himself—his life experiences, his love for this place, and his eye for detail—that show a depth and uniqueunderstanding of this special place we are lucky to call home.”