Danny Singer

Danny Singer

Projecting Illusions

Projecting Illusions

Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies

Danny Singer

Exhibition dates: January 31 - April 12
Gallery hours: Monday to Sunday 10:00-17:00
Opening Reception: January 31, 19:00

The main streets of small towns in Alberta and Saskatchewan appealed to Danny Singer’s sensibilities and ultimately became the source and content of his photography.

Projecting Illusions

Exhibition dates: January 31 - April 12
Gallery hours: Monday to Sunday 10:00-17:00
Opening Reception: January 31, 19:00

The spectacle of the magic lantern show is reinterpreted, highlighting the social history of lantern slides in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

These exhibitions are wheelchair accessible.


111 Bear Street 
Banff, AB T1L1A3 